Museum of Paleontology
The Museum is located on the side of Santi Severino and Sossio church. The Chapter Hall, accessible through a large cloister, is decorated with a majolica tiled floor dated 1750 and it houses the precious collection of fish, reptiles, amphibians and mammal fossils from various sites in southern Italy. Noteworthy is the hall with the extinct reptiles, including the real skeleton of an Allosaurus fragilis from America and dated to 135 million years ago. The Museum is divided into five section: Royal Mineralogical Museum, Zoological Museum, Museum of Anthropology, Museum of Paleontology and The Museum of Physics.
Official website: Museo di Paleontologia
Via Mezzocannone, 8 - 80134 Napoli
Tel.: +39 081 253 75 87 (TO BOOK THE VISIT)
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 09.00 - 13.00
Mon and Thu 14.30 - 16.45
Nearest metro station: Linea 1 - UNIVERSITÁ